Veritas Academy of America

Vision and Goals
Testimonials Options


"In an increasingly secular and pluralistic culture, Christian students need better preparation for university studies than what public schools can provide. Veritas Academy can help to fill that need."

Dr. William Lane Craig
Research Professor of Philosophy
Talbot School of Theology

"What an absolutely fantastic idea! This is exactly what we need in order to reverse the trend in the Academy."

Tyler Geffeney
Illustra Media

"As Christian young people step into the larger world, they need to know more about their own world view beliefs and how they are grounded. However, it is unlikely that they will receive that grounding in secular education. Thus, studying some of the precepts of Christian thought can provide that much-needed foundation for the rest of their lives. This provocative idea has the potential of providing instruction that students would not otherwise receive."

Dr. Gary R. Habermas
Distinguished Research Professor and Chair,
Department of Philosophy and Theology,
Liberty University

"What an amazing idea. I'm going to run this by some of my colleagues."

Dr. Craig Hazen
Professor of Comparative Religion and Apologetics
Director of Christian Apologetics
Biola University

"According to a 2007 survey published by the Institute for Jewish and Community Research, 'a prejudice against [Evangelical students] stands out prominently in institutions dedicated to liberalism, tolerance, and academic freedom.' The Veritas Academy is an answer that should be considered by concerned parents and students alike."

Mike Licona, Ph.D.
North American Mission Board
Southern Baptist Convention

"It is a familiar but tragic story that Christian young people lose their faith when they leave home for college. Clearly they need far more guidance in understanding the non-biblical worldviews they encounter on the campus today. Programs like the Veritas Academy of America are filling an important gap."

Nancy Pearcey
Scholar of Worldview Studies, Philadelphia Biblical University,
Author of "Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity"
Co-author of "How Now Shall We Live" with Charles Colson

"A cost-effective combination of a quality academic education with a top-notch Christian education is crucially needed, and the Veritas Academy is providing it successfully. The Academy also allows students to move forward to their degrees more quickly than conventional programs."

Dr. Jeffrey Burton Russell
Professor of History, Emeritus
University of California, Santa Barbara

"I strongly endorse the ideals and approach of The Veritas Academy. This exciting program equips and inspires students to excel in the best academic environments and at the same time helps them develop a robust Christian worldview that is impenetrable to the attacks that come from the secular, post-modern academy."

Dr. Fazale Rana
Biochemist and author of "The Cell's Design"
Executive Director of Research and Apologetics
Reasons to Believe

"The Veritas Academy will give Christian students the tools they need to explain their world view to those assembled on the twenty-first century Mars Hill"

Dr. Doug Thrower
Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
University of California, Santa Barbara



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