TRACK 1 - Full college credit and creation of a student portfolio. Co-enrollment in the VCA and a community college (or equivalent).
In California, students may take the CHSPE (CA High School Proficiency Exam) toward the end of their sophomore year and enroll full-time in a community college. (Check with your particular State for details.) Community Colleges are often superior to four-year research oriented universities for lower-division general education given their focus on instruction combined with small class sizes. Most courses are easily transferred to the CSU and/or UC systems. Count on substantial savings compared to UC or CSU tuition and fees, let alone other private institutions. Further save on room and travel expenses by having the student remain at home until they would normally graduate from high school.
Talk to your local high school regrding continued participation in sports, music, drama, or other extra-curricular activities.
TRACK 2 - Partial to full college credit and creation of a student portfolio. Co-enrollment in the VCA and a high school with optional community college (or equivalent) co-enrollment.
Students remain in high school, but enroll in classes that have a high probability of college transfer credit. High schools typically require 4 consecutive hours of on-site attendance to qualify for full ADA (average daily attendance) funding which may pose problems in creating an average 15 unit college credit load. Evening and morning classes at a local community college may be worked into a schedule. Distance learning options should also be considered. More schools will undoubtedly migrate towards a hybrid model of education with study hall times being adapted for on-site independent study.
TRACK 3 - Enrollment in the VCA program as a non-credit supplement to high school or college coursework.
Any student can benefit immensely from the supplemental program and materials offered through the VCA. The primary issue is one of dedication and work. Unless a student has a sufficient motivation (developing a portfolio or earning a grade and unit credit), he or she is unlikely to spend the time necessary to master the material. Therefore, Track 3 is recommended only for Lifelong Learners who are mature enough to recognize the benefit of growing in knowledge and wisdom.
For further information, please contact