Veritas Academy of America

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The following resources are integrated into the curriculum of Veritas Collegiate Academy.
(NOTE: Offline resources are provided upon enrollment.)



The Genius of Jesus - Dr. Dallas Willard
Rationality of Belief in God: Is Faith Reasonable? - Peter Kreeft
The Problem of Evil and Suffering: How Could God Allow It? - Peter Kreeft
Atheism, Theism, and the Meaning of Life - Dr. J. P, Moreland
7 Reasons God Exists and 3 Reasons It Makes A Difference - Dr. William Lane Craig
Jesus' Resurrection: Atheist and Theist Dialogue - Dr. Habermas and Dr. Antony Flew
A Lawyer Examines the Case for Christianity - Dr. John Warwick Montgomery
The Question of God: Sigmund Freud and CS Lewis - Dr. Armand Nicholi
Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense - Dr. N.T. Wright
The Nature and Necessity of Worldviews - Dr. Dallas Willard
The Coming Conflict of Civilization - Dr. Os Guinness
Relativism - Dr. J. P. Moreland
Atheism vs. Theism - Dr. Paul Copan
An Interview with John Warwick Montgomery - Dr. John Warwick Montgomery
In Search of the Historical Jesus - Dr. Craig Blomberg
The Resurrection Argument that Changed a Generation of Scholars - Dr. Gary Habermas
An Interview with Dr. Craig Blomberg - Dr. Craig Blomberg with Dr. David Newton
Resurrection, An Interview - Dr. William Lane Craig
Nietzsche vs. Jesus Christ - Dr. Dallas Willard
Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air - Greg Koukl
Beyond the Passion - Dr. William Lane Craig
The Problem of Evil - Dr. Garry DeWeese
Atheism vs. Theism - Paul Copan
Near Death Experiences: Evidence for an Afterlife? - Dr. Gary Habermas
Worldviews and Their Scientific and Cultural Implications - Drs. J. Kennedy, N. Pearcey, J. Russell, M. Strauss
Is One True Religion Even Possible? - Dr. William Lane Craig
Evolution vs. Atheism - Dr. Alvin Plantinga
Against Materialism - Dr. Alvin Plantinga
Do All Roads Lead to God? - Dr. William Lane Craig
Debating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ - Dr. Michael Licona, Dr. Richard Carrier
The Christian Voice in the University - Dallas Willard
Rumors of Another World - Dr. Philip Yancey
Veracity of the New Testament - Dr. Gary Habermas
Debugging the da Vinci Code - Dr. Craig Blomberg
An Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism - Dr. Alvin Plantinga
The da Vinci Code: Fact or Fiction? - Dr. Ward Gasque
The Plurality of Religions - Dr. Paul Copan
The Fingerprint of God - Erwin McManus
The Case for Christ - Lee Strobel
The Case for Faith - Lee Strobel


An Evening with C.S. Lewis - David Payne
Acts of the Apostles - Bruce Kuhn
The Theology of Narnia - Dr. Paul Ford
The Accounts of Luke - Bruce Kuhn
Bach, A Preacher? I Thought He Was a Composer! - Dr. Robin Leaver
The Sense of an Ending - the Musical Self - Dr. Jeremy Begbie
Searching for Truth Through Fantasy - Madeline L'Engle
A Writer's Workshop - Madeline L'Engle
Tales of Tolstoy: Learn the True Story of Nonviolent Resistance - Bruce Kuhn
Finding God in the Arts - Antonye Holyde


The Journey: A Thinking Person's Quest for Meaning - Dr. Os Guinness
Christianity vs. Scientific Naturalism - Dr. William Lane Craig and Dr. Garrett Hardin
Can Science Know the Mind of God? The Case Against Naturalism - Phillip E. Johnson
Faith and Reason - Dr. J. P. Moreland
The Relativity of Belief and the Absoluteness of Truth - Dallas Willard
Why Should Anyone Believe Anything at All? - Dr. James Sire
A Thinkers Guide to an Intelligent Faith - Os Guinness
Faith, Reason, and Imagination - Dr. Garry DeWeese


From Darwin to Hitler - Dr. Richard Weikart
Justice: Christian and Secular - Dr. Mary Poplin
The Thrill of the Chaste - Dawn Eden
Time for Truth - Dr. Os Guinness
Is Anything Really Right or Wrong? - Dr. Peter Kreeft
Why Human Rights Are Impossible Without Religion - Dr. John Warwick Montgomery
People Suffer - Who Cares? A Secular Humanist and Christian Dialogue - Dr. Vinoth Ramachandra, Dr. Philip Kitcher
Structuring Relief for Global Suffering - Dr. Gary Haugen, Dr. John Gershman
Survival of the Fastest: Living Sanely When Life is Fired Point Blank - Os Guinness
Character Matrix - Erwin McManus
Stem Cell Research: Justice for the Ill and the Unborn - Dr. Scott Rae
Truth and Social Reform - Vishal Mangalwadi
Whatever Happened to Jane Roe? - Norma McCorvey
On Euthanasia - "Where Were You When I Was Hurting?" - Dr. Matthew Conolly
11 Objections to Euthanasia - Dr. Matthew Conolly
A World Safe for Diversity: Living with Our Deepest Differences in a World of Exploding Pluralism - Os Guinness
The Nature/Nurture Debate: Is Homosexuality a Choice? - Thomas Schmidt
Who Will Solve the Problem of Poverty? Bono, Bill Gates, You? - Drs. Vinoth Ramachandra, Jeffrey Sachs, Larry Reed
The Feminist Case Against Abortion - Serrin Foster
Science, the Bible, and an Ethic of Responsible Environmental Action - Calvin DeWitt
Repairing the Breach - Raleigh Washington
Unspeakable: Facing Evil in an Age of Genocide and Terrorism - Dr. Os Guinness
Western Myths About Pluralism: The Real Basis of Civil Rights - Vinoth Ramachandra
Life Will Break your Heart - Dr. Greg Jesson
God's Value for Human Uniqueness - Erwin McManus


Begin your study by understanding how evolution infers creation at - see EVOLUTION IN CONTEXT

Origins and Design - Michael Behe, H. Fritz Schaefer III, Walter Bradley, Dean H. Kenyon, Robert C. Newman, Charles Thaxton
The Days of Genesis: Literal Chronology or Figurative Framework?
- Lee Irons
The Big Bang, Stephen Hawking, and God - Dr. H. Fritz Schaefer, III
Creation, Evolution, or Both? - Dr. Hugh Ross, Dr. Fazale Rana
The God Delusion? Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, and the Meaning of Life - Dr. Alister McGrath, Dr. David Helfand
On the Origin and Design of the Universe - Dr. Michael Strauss
Genesis & Science: Is There a Problem? - Dr. Hugh Ross
Abiogenesis: The Faith and the Facts - Dr. Edward Peltzer
Focus on the Origin of Life - Dr. Dean Kenyon
Darwinism on Trial - Phillip E. Johnson
The Cambrian Explosion - Dr. Stephen Meyer, Dr. Marcus Ross
Focus on Darwinism - Dr. Michael Denton
Irreducible Complexity - Dr. Michael J. Behe
Critiquing the Icons of Evolution - Dr. Jonathan Wells
Darwinism: Science or Philosophy? - Phillip E. Johnson
Unlocking the Mystery of Life - Documentary
Darwin's Dilemma - Documentary
The Case for a Creator - Lee Strobel



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