Veritas Academy of America

Vision and Goals
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The cost of an education may be measured in two different ways. The most important cost factor is a spiritual one. Most students who pursue a secular college education often get a secular indoctrination and lose their faith during their freshman or sophomore year. Weigh this cost carefully. The other cost factor is financial. The Veritas Collegiate Academy may cost as little as $200 to as much as $1,200 per semester.*

The best way to determine the cost of the program is to compare it to the cost of a traditional four-year college education. The bottom line ought to be a substantial cost savings rather than an additional expense.

The cost of the Veritas Collegiate Academy is designed to be substantially less than a traditional Christian high school or college education. Assuming that a student enrolls during their junior and senior years of high school and remains at home, the costs of housing and transportation alone could easily save a family close to $10,000 a year (if not more) in comparison to attending an out-of-town state college or university.

The registration and supplementary materials fee is currently $200 per semester payable to the Veritas Collegiate Academy. Fees include the production and distribution costs of lecture and supplementary materials in addition to administative expenses.

The tuition fee is set by local churches and their mentors. We highly recommend that the churches hire and reward mentors accordingly, taking into account their qualifications and abilities, as well as their time and expenses. Keeping the academy affiliates under the auspices of local Churches helps to maintain greater freedom of religious content in addition to providing students and their parents a greater choice of programs in their local communities.

As Churches seek to expand their role in the education of our next generation of leaders, they are encouraged to give generously of their Church building and educational facilities throughout the week in order to attract a larger student body which otherwise might not be able to afford the academy. Providing scholarships to needy families is always an option.

* $1,200 per semester assumes that the local church offers its facilities without charge to its mentors and that it pays its mentors $1,000 per student per semester for 3 contact hours per week in a small group setting of no more than 12 students each (in addition to the $200 per semester fee for the VCA program). Churches are free to establish their own policies and rate structures.


As we expand beyond the boundaries of Santa Barbara, California, the first problem you will face is finding a local Academy.

Do not despair.

The Veritas Collegiate Academy had its roots in the home-school movement. Its first students took the California High School Proficiency Exam during their sophomore year in high school and enrolled in a local community college to complete all of their lower division requirements for UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, and a California State University. The first three all graduated with honors from their respective universities and went on to successful careers or to attend graduate schools: one in law and one in medicine. Seek first the Kingdom of God and all else will be added unto you.

The lesson is that even if an Academy does not officially exist in your area, any parent is free to enroll their child in a local community college and supplement their education by subscribing to VCA on a per semester basis. While this can be done alone, parents are strongly encouraged to help build the body of Christ by working through their local church's educational program and helping to extend the church's outreach to public schools.

If you are sold on the idea, please send a check for $200 to the Veritas Collegiate Academy, PO Box 14204, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA 93107. At the end of the first semester, if you are not fully satisfied with the program, we will guarantee your money back.


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