APRIL 8-15, 2005
“Growing Up in Egypt: A Woman's Story”
Magda Campo
Dept. of Religious Studies, UCSB
Friday Noon, April 8, 2005
Multicultural Center Lounge
Co-sponsored by the Women's Center and
The Multicultural Center
This talk is about life in Egypt as seen through the eyes of a woman who grew up in Cairo. Among the topics to be discussed are relationships between men and women, women and women, different social classes, and religious communities.
Magda Campo is a Continuing Lecturer for Arabic language in the Religious Studies Department at UCSB. She received her Master in TAFL (Teaching Arabic as a Second Language) from the American University in Cairo. Her master thesis was on "The Use of Authentic Materials in Teaching Arabic". She has been teaching since 1985 Modern Standard Arabic for beginners, intermediate, and more recently Egyptian Colloquial for beginners, and also co-teach every winter a course with professor Juan Campo on "Religion, Food and Culture of the Middle East". She has been part of the UCSB Middle East Ensemble since 1993 where she performs the riqq, translate and prepare Arabic songs for the quarterly concert booklet, and help singers with Arabic pronunciation. She also has been the secretary for FOMEMA (Friends of the Middle East Association) on campus. She gave lectures about "Middle Eastern Women and the War in the Gulf" in 1991, "Women in the Middle East", "Women in Egypt and the Middle East" to the Goleta Valley Presbyterian Church, and women's studies lecture "Why Believe in Anything?" UCSB, Interfaith lecture, and facilitator.
“Racial Justice: Are We There Yet?”
Dr. John Perkins
John M. Perkins Foundation for Reconciliation & Development
Friday, 7:30 PM, April 8, 2005
Girvetz 1004, UCSB
Co-sponsored by the Multicultural Center
Racial justice has been a major theme in the life of John Perkins—two of his books are: “Let Justice Roll Down” and “With Justice for All.” His talk will discuss justice as it relates to his own pilgrimage in Mississippi, as well as his national efforts to speak about racial justice to our nation. Striving for a more just society is a Christian perspective because it is a mandate of God to view each other as equal human beings under God.
John Perkins is a sharecropper’s son who grew up in Mississippi amidst dire poverty and fled to California after his older brother’s murder at the hands of a town marshal. After his conversion to Christ, he returned to his boyhood home to share the gospel with his people. His outspoken support and leadership role in civil rights demonstrations resulted in repeated harassment, imprisonment and beatings. Despite dropping out of school in the third grade, Perkins has now received seven honorary doctorates. He is an international speaker and teacher on issues of racial reconciliation, leadership and community development.
“Stem Cell Research:
Searching for Justice for the Ill
and the Unborn”
Dr. Scott Rae
Professor of Biblical Studies and Christian Ethics, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
Monday, 7:30 PM, April 11, 2005
Embarcadero Hall
935 Embarcadero del Norte,
Isla Vista
Prof. Rae will examine the various arguments for and against embryonic stem cell research, argue that embryos are persons from whom we should not harvest their parts to benefit others, and show that there are promising areas of research that could provide for patients without harming unborn persons.
Prof. Scott Rae received his Ph.D. in Social Ethics from USC and joined the Talbot School of Theology in 1989. He has authored, “The Ethics of Commercial Surrogate Motherhood: Brave New Families?” and “Moral Choices: An Introduction to Ethics.”
“Terror in the Mind of God”
Dr. Mark Juergensmeyer
Director of Global and International Studies, UCSB
Wednesday, 8:00 PM, April 13, 2005
Corwin Pavilion, UCen, UCSB
Professor Juergensmeyer will describe his recent trip to Iraq and his interviews with Sunni clergy and other Islamic political leaders as part of his ongoing study of the global rise or religious violence.
Dr. Juergensmeyer received a BA degree in Philosophy from the University of Illinois, attended Columbia University School of International Affairs, received the M.Div. degree in Ethics from Union Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in Political Science from Berkeley. He is presently Director of Global and International Studies and Professor of Sociology and Religious Studies at UCSB. He is an expert on religious violence and conflict resolution as well as South Asian religion and politics. He has published more than 200 articles and a dozen books including, “Terror in the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious Violence,” “The New Cold War? Religious Nationalism Confronts the Secular State,” and “Gandhi’s Way.” His books have been cited by the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times as among the best nonfiction books of the year.
“Luke's Biography of Jesus”
Performed by Bruce Kuhn
Thursday 7:00 PM, April 14, 2005
Isla Vista Theater 1
960 Embarcadero del Norte, Isla Vista
In this one-man show, Broadway star Bruce Kuhn dramatizes the ancient story of Christ, telling it word for word from the book of Luke. In a compelling 90 minutes, wearing modern casual clothing, without props, sets or special effects, Kuhn dramatizes the tale of the most influential man in human history, the story that changed the world, telling it as an eyewitness might have told it almost 2000 years ago.
Bruce Kuhn was on Broadway in Les Miserables as Montparnase. He joined the National Tour of the Broadway musical Chess and also toured with The Cotton Patch Gospel. Mr. Kuhn received his classical training and Master of Fine Arts from the U. of Washington’s Professional Actor Training Program where he also taught fencing and stage combat.
“An Actor's Workshop”
Bruce Kuhn
Friday, April 15, Noon to 1 PM
State Street Room, UCen
Bruce Kuhn was on Broadway in Les Miserables as Montparnase. He joined the National Tour of the Broadway musical Chess and also toured with The Cotton Patch Gospel. Mr. Kuhn received his classical training and Master of Fine Arts from the U. of Washington’s Professional Actor Training Program where he also taught fencing and stage combat.
“Acts of the Apostles”
Bruce Kuhn
Friday, April 15, 8:00 PM
Calvary Chapel
1 N. Calle Cesar Chavez
In this one-man show, Broadway star Bruce Kuhn dramatizes the historical work. The Acts of the Apostles, telling it word for word from the book of Luke. In a compelling 90 minutes, wearing modern casual clothing, without props, sets or special effects, Kuhn dramatizes events that changed the world, telling it as an objective reporter might have told it almost 2000 years ago.
Bruce Kuhn was on Broadway in Les Miserables as Montparnase. He joined the National Tour of the Broadway musical Chess and also toured with The Cotton Patch Gospel. Mr. Kuhn received his classical training and Master of Fine Arts from the U. of Washington’s Professional Actor Training Program where he also taught fencing and stage combat.