A. Education
- Calvin College, A.B., 1954
- University of Michigan, M.A. , 1955
- Yale University, Ph.D., 1958
B. Academic Honors and Awards
- Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, 1968-69
- Guggenheim Fellow, June 1 - December 31, 1971, April 4 - August 31,
- Fellow, American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1975 -
- Fellow, Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship, 1979-1980
- Visiting Fellow, Balliol College, Oxford 1975-76
- National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships, 1975-76, 1987, 1995-6
- Fellowship, American Council of Learned Societies, 1980-81
Honorary Degrees
- Glasgow University, l982
- Calvin College (Distinguished Alumni Award), 1986
- North Park College, 1994
- Free University of Amsterdam, 1995
- Vice-President, American Philosophical Association, Central Division,
- President, American Philosophical Association, Central Division, 1981-82
- President, Society of Christian Philosophers, l983-86
Summer Institutes and Seminars
- Staff Member, Council for Philosophical Studies Summer Institute in
Metaphysics, 1968
- Staff member and director, Council for Philosophical Studies Summer
Institute in Philosophy of Religion, 1973
- Director, National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar, 1974,
1975, 1978
- Staff member and co-director (with William P. Alston) NEH Summer Institute
in Philosophy of Religion (Bellingham, Washington) 1986
- E. Harris Harbison Award for Distinguished Teaching (Danforth Foundation),
- Member, Council for Philosophical Studies, 1968-74
- William Evans Visiting Fellow University of Otago (New Zealand) 1991
- Mentor, Collegium, Fairfield University 1993
- Gifford Lecturer, Aberdeen University, 1987
- Wilde Lecturer, Oxford University, 1988
Other Named Lectureships
- Matchette Lecturer, Oxford University, 1976
- Howard W. Heintz Memorial Lecturer, University of Arizona, 1977
- Principal Lecturer, Wheaton Philosophy Conference l979
- Aquinas Lecturer, Marquette University, 1980
- Freemantle Lecturer, Oxford University, 1980
- Aquinas Lecturer, Loyola University, 1982
- Alexander Robertson Lecturer, Glasgow University, January, 1982
- Pascal Lecturer, University of Waterloo, 1984
- Gail Caldwell Stein Memorial Lecturer, Wayne State University, 1984
- Staley Lecturer, Hillsdale College, 1984
- Staley Lecturer, Hamilton College, 1985
- Cotton Lecturer, Wabash College, 1985
- Suarez Lecturer, Fordham University, l986
- Principal Lecturer, Wheaton Philosophy Conference, 1986
- C. S. Lewis Lecturer, Belfast, l987
- Payton Lecturer, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1987
- Norton Lecturer, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1988
- Stob Lecturer, Calvin College, l989
- C. S. Lewis Lecturer, Princeton, l990
- C. S. Lewis Lecturer, Virginia Polytechnical Institute 1991
- James Martineau Lecturer, Hobart and Launceston, Tasmania 1991
- Wade Lecturer, St Louis University 1992
- Zimmerman Lecturer, Emporia State Unversity 1992
- Brantl Lecturer, Montclair State University 1993
- Veritas Lecturer, Ohio State University 1993
- C. S Lewis Lecturer University of Western Ontario 1993
- David Ross Boyd Lecturer University of Oklahoma, 1994
- Veritas Lecturer University of Florida 1995
C. Professional Experience
- Yale University Instructor 1957-58
- Wayne State University Ass't. Prof.
Assoc. Prof. 1958-63
- Calvin College Assoc. Prof. 1963-64
Professor 1964-82
- University of Notre Dame John A. O'Brien Professor of Philosophy and
Director of the Center for Philosophy of Religion 1982-
- University of Illinois Visiting Lecturer 1960
- Harvard University Visiting Prof. 1964-65
- *University of Chicago Visiting Professor Winter Quarter, 1967
- *University of Michigan Visiting Professor
Fall Term, 1967
- *Boston University Visiting Professor
Fall Term, 1969
- *Indiana University Visiting Professor
Spring Term, 1970
- UCLA Visiting Professor
Winter Quarter, 1972
- *Syracuse University Visiting Professor
Fall Term, 1978
- University of Notre Dame Adjunct Prof. 1973-81
- University of Arizona Visiting Professor
Fall Term 1980
I've also been a lecturer in the Council for Philosophical Studies Distinguished
Visiting Philosopher Program some 20 times, and in addition have given maybe
200-250 lectures at conferences and on campuses in North and South America,
Africa, Europe, Asia and Australia.
*Commuted weekly to give seminars
D. Publications
- Faith and Philosophy, (ed) Eerdmans, 1964
- The Ontological Argument, (ed) Doubleday, 1965
- God and Other Minds, Cornell University Press, 1967
- The Nature of Necessity, Oxford University Press, 1974
- God, Freedom and Evil, Harper Torchbook, 1974
- Does God Have a Nature? Marquette University Press, 1980
- Faith and Rationality (ed. with Nicholas Wolterstorff), University
of Notre Dame Press, 1983
- The Twin Pillars of Christian Scholarship; the Henry Stob Lectures
(Grand Rapids, MI: Calvin College: l989) (pamphlet)
- Warrant: the Current Debate (New York: Oxford University Press,
- Warrant and Proper Function (New York: Oxford University Press,
- Essays in Ontology (Oxford University Press, forthcoming)
- The Analytic Theist: A Collection of Alvin Plantinga's Work in Philosophy
of Religion, ed. James Sennett (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, forthcoming)
- Warranted Christian Belief in process
- "Dooyeweerd on Meaning and Being," Reformed Journal (1958)
- "An Existentialist's Ethics" Review of Metaphysics (1958)
- "Things and Persons," Review of Metaphysics (1960)
- "A Valid Ontological Argument?" Philosophical Review (1961)
- "The Perfect Goodness of God," Australasian Journal of Philosophy
- "It's Actual, So It Must Be Possible," Philosophical Studies
- "Analytic Philosophy and Christianity," Christianity Today
- "Necessary Being," Faith and Philosophy, ed. A. Plantinga
(Eerdmans, 1964)
- "A Comment on the Strategy of the Skeptic," Faith and the
Philosophers, ed. J. Hick (1965)
- "The Free Will Defense," Philosophy in America, ed. Max Black
(Cornell University Press, 1965)
- "Comments on Paul Ziff's 'The Simplicity of Other Minds'",
Journal of Philosophy, 62 (1965) 585-587.
- "On Being Honest to God," Reformed Journal (1966)
- "Radical Theology and the Death of God," Reformed Journal
- "Induction and Other Minds," Review of Metaphysics (1966)
- "Kant's Objection to the Ontological Argument," Journal of
Philosophy (1966)
- "Pike and Possible Persons," Journal of Philosophy (1966)
- "Norman Malcolm," Encyclopedia of Philosophy (1967)
- "Induction and Other Minds II," Review of Metaphysics (1967)
- "The Death of God," Reformed Journal (1967)
- "De Re et De Dicto," Nous (1969)
- "Why Climb Mountains?," Reformed Journal (1969)
- "World and Essence," Philosophical Review (1970)
- "The Incompatibility of Freedom and Determinism," Philosophical
Forum (1970)
- "What George Could Not Have Been," Nous (1970)
- "Christians, Scholars and Christian Scholars," The Banner
- "Which Worlds Could God Have Created?," Journal of Philosophy
- "Transworld Identity of Worldbound Individuals?," in Logic
and Ontology, ed. Milton Munitz (New York University Press, 1973)
- "Aquinas," Reformed Journal (1974)
- "Our Reasonable Service," The Banner (1974)
- "Aquinas on Anselm," in God and the Good, ed. C. Orlebeke
and L. Smedes (Eerdmans, 1975)
- "On Mereological Essentialism," Review of Metaphysics (June,
- "Existence, Necessity & God," The New Scholasticism (1976)
- "Necessary & Essential Existence," Canadian Journal of
Philosophy (1976)
- "Possible Worlds," BBC Talk Spring, 1976; published in the
BBC magazine, The Listener (May, 1976)
- "Reply to Henry," Philosophical Books (January, 1977)
- "Actualism and Possible Worlds," Theoria (1977)
- "The Boethian Compromise," American Philosophical Quarterly
- "The Probabilistic Argument from Evil," Philosophical Studies
- "Is Belief in God Rational?" in Rationality and Religious
Belief, ed. C. Delaney, (University of Notre Dame Press, 1979)
- "De Essentia," Grazer Philosophische Studien (1979)
- "Transworld Identity or World Bound Individuals," in The
Possible and the Actual, ed. Michael Loux (Cornell University Press, 1979)
- "The Reformed Objection to Natural Theology," Proceedings
of the American Catholic Philosophical Association (1980)
- "Is Belief in God Properly Basic?" Nous (Spring, 1981)
- "The Case of Kant" in Introductory Philosophy, ed. Jack Rogers
- "Rationality & Religious Belief," in Contemporary Philosophy
of Religion, ed. S. Cahn & D. Shatz (Oxford, 1981)
- "Tooley and Evil," Australasian Journal of Philosophy (1981)
- "On Reformed Epistemology," Reformed Journal (1982)
- "How to be an Anti-Realist," Presidential Address to the
Western Division of the American Philosophical Association in Proceedings
of the American Philosophical Association (1982)
- "Reply to the Basinger Brothers," Journal of Process Philosophy
- "Guise Theory" in Agent, Language and the Structure of the
World, ed. J. Tomberlin (Hackett, 1983)
- "Hector Castaneda" in Agent, Language and the Structure of
the World ed J. Tomberlin (Hackett, 1983)
- "The Reformed Objection Revisited," Christian Scholars Review
- "On Existentialism," Philosophical Studies (July, 1983)
- "Reason and Belief in God," Faith and Rationality, ed. A.
Plantinga and N. Wolterstorff (Eerdmans, 1983)
- "Advice to Christian Philosophers," published by the University
of Notre Dame and in Faith and Philosophy I, 3 (July, 1984).
- "Modern Philosophy and the Turn to Belief in God" in The
Intellectuals Speak Out About God, ed. Roy Varghese (Regnery, 1984)
- Intellectual Autobiography and Reply to Critics in Alvin Plantinga,
ed. James Tomberlin and Peter van Inwagen (Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1985)
- "On Taking Belief in God as Basic," in Religious Experience,
Religious Belief, ed J. Runzo and Craig Ihara (Lanham, MD: University Press
of America, l986)
- "Coherentism and the Evidentialist Objection to Theistic Belief",
in Rationality, Religious Belief, and Moral Commitment, ed. William Wainwright
and Robert Audi (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1986)
- "On Ockham's Way Out," Faith and Philosophy (l986)
- "Is Theism Really a Miracle?", Faith and Philosophy (l986)
- "Epistemic Justification", Nous (l986)
- "Two Concepts of Modality", (Abstract) Journal of Philosophy
- "The Foundations of Theism: A Reply", Faith and Philosophy
- "Two Concepts of Modality: Modal Realism and Modal Reductionism",
in Philosophical Perspectives, I, Metaphysics, 1987, ed. James Tomberlin
(Atascadero: Ridgeview Publishing Co., l987)
- "Sheehan's Shenanigans" Reformed Journal (April, l987)
- "Justification and Theism", Faith and Philosophy (special
issue edited by Alvin Plantinga, Oct., l987)
- "Reply to Timmer", Reformed Journal (Sept., 1987)
- "Chisholmian Internalism", in Philosophical Analysis: a Defense
by Example, ed. David Austin (Dordrecht: D. Reidel, l988)
- "Method in Christian Philosophy: a Reply", Faith and Philosophy
(April, 1988)
- "Positive Epistemic Status and Proper Function" in Philosophical
Perspectives 2, Epistemology, 1988, ed. James Tomberlin (Atascadero: Ridgeview
Publishing Co., l988)
- "Epistemic Probability and Evil", in Archivo di Filosofia,
ed. Marco Olivetti (Rome: Cedam, l988)
- "Ad de Vries", The Christian Scholar's Review (1989)
- "The Ontological Argument" and "Essentialism",
Handbook of Ontology
- "Justification in the Twentieth Century", Philosophy and
Phenomenological Research, vol. L, Supplement (Fall, 1990)
- "Actuality, Truth and Truth in," in an Italian journal
- "When Faith and Reason Clash: Evolution and the Bible", The
Christian Scholar's Review (September, 1991)
- "Science, Neutrality, and Biblical Scholarship; a Reply to McMullin,
Pun and Van Till", The Christian Scholar's Review (September, 1991)
- "Ad Robbins", Journal of the American Academy of Religion
- "Ad Walls", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (fall
- "Warrant and Designing Agents: a Reply to James Taylor",
Philosophical Studies 64 (1991)
- "The Prospects for Natural Theology ", Philosophical Perspectives
vol 5 Philosophy of Religion, 1991, ed. James Tomberlin (Atascadero: Ridgeview
Publishing Co., l991)
- "Belief in God" in Introduction to Philosophy, ed. R. Boylan
(Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich, 1992)
- "An Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism", Logos (1992)
- "Divine Knowledge" in Christian Perspectives on Religious
Knowledge, ed. C. Steven Evans and Merold Westphal (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,
- "Augustinian Christian Philosophy", The Monist , 75, no.
3 (July 1992) pp. 291-320.
- "Why We Need Proper Function", Nous (March, 1993)
- "Truth, Omniscience and Cantorian Arguments: an Exchange",
Philosophical Studies, 70 (August, 1993)
- "Evolution and the Catholic Character", Common Sense (April,
- "A Christian Life Partly Lived" in Philosophers Who Believe,
ed. Kelly Clark (Downer's Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1993)
- "Epistemology of Religious Belief", "Agnosticism"
and "Dogmatism", in A Companion to Epistemology, ed. Ernest Sosa
and Jonathan Dancy (Oxford: Blackwell, Ltd., 1993)
- "On Christian Scholarship", in The Challenge and Promise
of a Catholic University, ed. Theodore Hesburgh (Notre Dame and London:
University of Notre Dame Press, 1994)
- "Reliabilism, Analyses and Defeaters", Philosophy and Phenomenological
Research, Vol. LV, No. 2 (June, 1995) pp. 427-464
- "Christian Philosophy at the End of the 20th Century", in
Christian Philosophy at the Close of the Twentieth Century, ed. Sander
Griffioen and Bert Balk (Kampen: Kok, 1995) pp. 29-53
- "What is the Question?" Journal of Philosophical Research,
vol. XX 1995
- "On Being Evidentially Challenged", in The Evidential Argument
from Evil, ed. Daniel Howard-Snyder (Bloomington: Indiana University Press,
- "Dennett's Dangerous Idea" Books and Culture, May-June, 1996
- "Methodological Naturalism?", in Facets of Faith and Science,
ed. J. van der Meer (Lanham, MA: University Press of America, 1996)
- "Pluralism: A Defense of Religious Exclusivism", ed. Thomas
Senor, (Cornell University Press, forthcoming)
- "Pantheism", "Essence and Essentialism", "Haecceity",
and "Natural Theology", in A Companion to Metaphysics, ed. Ernest
Sosa and Jaegwon Kim (Oxford: Blackwell, Ltd., forthcoming)
- "Arguments for the Existence of God", and "Religion
and Epistemology", in Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (New York:
Routledge, forthcoming)
- Reply to Bill Hasker in the ASA journal
- "Science: Duhemian or Augustinian?", Faith and Philosophy
- "Naturalism Defeated" not committed for publication
- "What's the Problem?" to appear in a collection of essays
in Chinese, and another in Polish
- "Reid, Hume and God" not committed for publication
- "Preface" in Dios Y el Mal; La Defensa del Teísmo
Frente al problema del mal según Alvin Plantinga by Francisco S.
Conesa Ferrer, forthcoming (Pamplona: University of Navarre Press)
- "Respondeo" in Warrant in Contemporary Epistemology: Essays
in Honor of Plantinga's Theory of Knowledge, ed. Jonathan Kvanvig (Savage,
Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 1996).
Many of these have been reprinted in whole or in part elsewhere. Parts or
all of some have been translated into, for example, Dutch, Russian, Spanish,
Polish, Italian, Romanian, Chinese, Japanese, etc.
E. Books about (in whole or large part), including Festschriften
- Alvin Plantinga, ed. James Tomberlin and Peter van Inwagen (Dordrecht:
D. Reidel, 1985)
- Thomistic Papers IV, ed. Leonard Kennedy (Notre Dame: University of
Notre Dame Press, 1988)
- Parsons, Keith, God and the Burden of Proof (Buffalo, NY: Prometheus
Books, 1989)
- Hoitenga, Dewey, From Plato to Plantinga: an Introduction to Reformed
Epistemology (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991)
- Sennett, James, Modality, Probability, and Rationality: A Critical
Examination of Alvin Plantinga's Philosophy (New York: P. Lang, 1992)
- McLeod, Mark S., Rationality and Thesitic Belief: an Essay on Reformed
Epistemology (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1993)
- Rational Faith, ed. Linda Zagzebski (Notre Dame: University of Notre
Dame Press, 1993)
- Claramunt, Enrique R. Moros, Modalidad y esencia: La metaphysica de
Alvin Plantinga (Pamplona: University of Navarre Press, 1996)
- Kvanvig, Jonathan (ed), Warrant in Contemporary Epistemology: Essays
in Honor of Plantinga's Theory of Knowledge (Savage, Maryland: Rowman &
Littlefield, 1996)
- Ferrer, Francisco S. Conesa, Dios Y el Mal; La Defensa del Teísmo
Frente al problema del mal según Alvin Plantinga, (Pamplona: University
of Navarre Press, forthcoming)