Conflicts Between Darwinian Theory and Natural History

FIG O: Origin of the Phyla: Darwinian

FIG P: Origin of the Phyla: Darwinian

FIG Q: The origin of the phyla:
the fossil evidence
The sudden appearance of between 50 and 100 disparate body plans with extremely
low species diversity supports the conclusion that neither gradual Darwinian
evolution nor lower taxon-level punctuations can account for the origin
of the higher taxa and the major body plans.

FIG R: The origin of the phyla:
the fossil evidence
The sudden appearance of between 50 and 100 disparate body plans with extremely
low species diversity supports the conclusion that neither gradual Darwinian
evolution nor lower taxon-level punctuations can account for the origin
of the higher taxa and the major body plans.

FIG 2A: Pervasive patterns of
natural history and the origin of the phyla. Comparison of Darwinian predictions
(including punctuated equilibium)with the fossil data.
See also FIGURES O and Q above.

FIG 2B: Pervasive patterns of
natural history and the origin of the phyla. Comparison of Darwinian predictions
(including punctuated equilibium)with the fossil data.
See also FIGURES P and R above.

FIG 4: Pervasive patterns of natural
history and the origin of the phyla. Composite comparison of Darwinian predictions
(including punctuated equilibium)with the fossil data.
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