A |
Alston, William P.
Anderson, Norris
Ayoub, George
On the Design of the Vertebrate Retina
B |
Barr, Stephen M.
Battson, Art
Molecular Machines: Experimental Support for the Design Inference
Beloff, John
Berlinski, David
The End of Materialist Science
Full House Follies (Review of S.J. Gould's Full House)
Bethell, Tom
A New Beginning: Darwin revisionism goes mainstream (Review of Darwin's Black Box)
Bradley, Walter
Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God
C |
Callebaut, Werner
Taking the Natural Turn, or How Real Philosophy of Science is Done
Campbell, John Angus
Monkeying With Science Education
John Stuart Mill, Charles Darwin, and the Culture Wars: Resolving a Crisis
The Caused Beginning of the Universe: A Response to Quentin Smith
Contemporary Scholarship and the Historical Evidence for the Resurrection...
Cosmos and Creator: Selected Highlights
Creation and Big Bang Cosmology
The Existence of God and the Beginning of the Universe
God And The Initial Cosmological Singularity: A Reply To Quentin Smith
D |
Denton, Michael
An Interview With Michael Denton
E |
Evans, C. Stephen
F |
France, R. T.
The Gospels As Historical Sources for Jesus, The Founder of Christianity
G |
Geisler, Norman
Gingerich, Owen
Is There a Role for Natural Theology Today?
H |
Hartwig, Mark
Measuring Political Correctness: Literacy Test Really a Litmus Test
Hofmann, James R.
Data, Theory, and Evolutionary Phenomena
J |
Jastrow, Robert
Jeffrey, Grant R.
Johnson, Paul
How Can We Tell Science from Religion?
Daniel Dennett's Dangerous Idea
Darwinism's Rules of Reasoning
God and Evolution: An exchange with Howard J. Van Till
How Did We Get Here?: A Cyber Debate with Kenneth R. Miller
The Storyteller and the Scientist
What (If Anything) Hath God Wrought?
The Creationist and the Sociobiologist
Book Review: "Chapter and Verse: A Skeptic Revisits Christianity" by Mike Bryan
You say you want a devolution?
The Unraveling of Scientific Materialism
K |
Kline, Meredith
Koons, Robert C.
Kreeft, Peter
L |
Leslie, John
Lewis, H.D.
Lobkowicz, Nikolaus
Lonergan, Bernard J.F.
M |
Malik, Charles
McInerny, Ralph
Meyer, Stephen C.
Meynell, Hugo
Mills, Gordon and Kenyon, Dean
Margenau, Henry
Minsky, Marvin
Martin, David
Moore, James
Moravec, Hans
N |
Nelson, Paul
Newman, R. C.; Bloom, J A.; Phillips, P. G.; and Studenroth, J C.
Noll, Mark A.
P |
Parker, Richard B.
Issues of Science and Faith
God's Creation: The Universe, Earth, Time and Space
Patterson, Colin
Colin Patterson Revisits His Famous Question About Evolution
Pauley, Edward H.
A Response To Pope John Paul II's Fides Et Ratio
Advice To Christian Philosophers
An Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism
Augustinian Christian Philosophy
Christian Philosophy at the End of the 20th Century
Christian Scholarship: Nature
Christian Scholarship: Need
Darwin, Mind and Meaning
Evolution, Neutrality, and Antecedent Probability
Intellectual Sophistication and Basic Belief in God
Methodological Naturalism: Part 1
Methodological Naturalism: Part 2
Naturalism Defeated
On Christian Scholarship
On Rejecting the Theory of Common Ancestry
Theism, Atheism, and Rationality
Truth, Omniscience, and Cantorian Arguments
Two Dozen or so Theistic Arguments
Two (Or More) Kinds of Scripture Scholarship
When Faith and Reason Clash: Evolution and the Bible
An Interview with Professor Alvin Plantinga
Poole, Michael
R |
ReMine, Walter J.
Ross, Hugh
Dissent, The Devil, and the Return of the Cosmos to God
S |
Sandage, Allan
Schaefer, Henry "Fritz" III
Schutzenberger, Marcel-Paul
Seifert, Josef
Stump, Eleonore
Swinburne, Richard
T |
Thaxton, Charles
Thomas, Michael
Tipler, Frank
Trethowan, Dom Illtyd
V |
Van Till, Howard J.
God and Evolution: An exchange with Phillip E. Johnson
Varghese, Roy Abraham
Heaven Here and Now and Why Good Things Happen to Bad People
Vitz, Paul
W |
Wiester, John
Paradigm Shifts in Geology and Biology
Geosynclinal Theory and Plate Tectonics; Darwinism and Intelligent Design
Wise, Kurt
Witztum, Doron
Woodward, Tom
Y |
Yockey, Hubert