Library at Leadership University
One Christian's Perspective
on Work: A Personal Testimony
Stephen Long, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
UC Santa Barbara
Jeffrey B. Russell, Professor of History
UC Santa Barbara
Physicist Henry Margenau gives a deeply moving account of his journey of faith (the first time he has done so in a public forum).
Professor William P. Alston
Professor David Martin
Professor Bernard J.F. Lonergan
as the Ideology of Our Age
Professor Nikolaus Lobkowicz concludes that Marxist ideology has in subtle ways conquered the West at least insofar as Marxist patterns of thinking "has gotten under the skin of Western intellectuals".
Intellectual and Spiritual Crisis of the University
Statesman Charles Malik perceives the university as the most influential institution in the Western world and appeals to Christian thinkers to bridge the gulf between Jesus Christ and contemporary temples of science.
Alvin Plantinga, John A. O'Brien Professor of Philosophy
University of Notre Dame
Phillip E. Johnson, Professor of Law, UC Berkeley
With Science Education
John Angus Campbell, Professor of Communication
University of Memphis
Stuart Mill, Charles Darwin, and the Culture Wars: Resolving a Crisis in
John Angus Campbell, Professor of Communication
University of Memphis
Should We Teach in Public Schools?
Art Battson discusses an alternative to the divisive creation/evolution dichotomy.
Gospels As Historical Sources for Jesus, The Founder of Christianity
Professor R. T. France
Scholarship and the Historical Evidence for the Resurrection...
After an appraisal of recent scholarship on the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Professor William Craig contends that "the resurrection appearances, the empty tomb, and the origin of the Christian faith - all point unavoidably to one conclusion: the resurrection of Jesus".
Jeffrey B. Russell, Professor of History
UC Santa Barbara
Jeffrey B. Russell, Professor of History
UC Santa Barbara
Necessity for Christianity
Historian Paul Johnson looks for cause-and-effect relationships in the history of the 20th century and concludes that "much of the evil of the twentieth century is the direct or indirect consequence of the decline of Christianity".
Dissent, The Devil, and
the Return of the Cosmos to God
Jeffrey B. Russell, Professor of History
UC Santa Barbara
Jeffrey B. Russell, Professor of History
UC Santa Barbara
Jeffrey B. Russell, Professor of History
UC Santa Barbara
in the Public Schools: A Joint Statement of Current Law
Equal Access Act and the Public Schools (Questions & Answers)
Guide to The Equal Access Act - Revised Edition
in the Public School Curriculum (Questions & Answers)
Holidays in the Public Schools (Questions & Answers)
Freedom Restoration Act
Arts Library at Leadership University
of the New Testament
Michael O'Connell, Professor of English at UCSB, has developed valuable web resources for his English 116B course: The Literature of the New Testament. Materials include Early Texts, The Historical Jesus Controversy, Biblical History and Reference Materials, Biblical Research Tools, Bible Humor, and General Reference Resources.
Library at Calvin College
Library at Leadership University
Christian philosophers and theologians including Adams, Barth, Clark, Davis, Leftow, Plantinga, Pojman, Rescher, Stump, Swinburne, Wierenga, VanInwagen , and others.
Gospel According to the Jesus Seminar
Professor Birger Pearson dismantles the Jesus Seminar with impeccable scholarship and incisive wit.
Gospels As Historical Sources for Jesus, The Founder of Christianity
Professor R. T. France
Scholarship and the Historical Evidence for the Resurrection...
After an appraisal of recent scholarship on the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Professor William Craig contends that "the resurrection appearances, the empty tomb, and the origin of the Christian faith - all point unavoidably to one conclusion: the resurrection of Jesus".
How Can We
Tell Science from Religion?
Phillip E. Johnson, Professor of Law, UC Berkeley
Professor Peter Kreeft examines the traditional arguments for life after death and concludes that they do constitute an impressive case.
Theism, and the Scientific Enterprise
Reflections from the organizer of the NTSE Conference at the University of Texas which brought together 120 scientists, scholars and students from North America and Europe to discuss the relationship between methodological naturalism, theistic hypotheses and explanations, and the practice of science.
Critique of Richard Dawkins' Views on Religion
Michael Poole, Visiting Research Fellow
King's College London
Jeffrey B. Russell, Professor of History
UC Santa Barbara
Here and Now and Why Good Things Happen to Bad People
Roy Abraham Varghese reflects on the content of the Faith.
the Burden of Proof is on the Atheist
Professor Ralph McInerny contends that atheism runs against the grain of human experience and that, therefore, in the theism- atheism debate the burden of proof (or disproof) is on the atheist.
Psychologist Paul Vitz argues that the major barriers to belief in God are psychological and infers from case studies of famous atheists that their atheism can well be explained in terms of childhood experiences.
There a Role for Natural Theology Today?
Dr. Owen Gingerich is Senior Astronomer at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and Professor of Astronomy and of the History of Science at Harvard University.
Phillip E. Johnson, Professor of Law
UC Berkeley
Daniel Dennett's Dangerous
Phillip E. Johnson, Professor of Law
UC Berkeley
What (If Anything) Hath
God Wrought?
Phillip E. Johnson, Professor of Law
UC Berkeley
Alvin Plantinga, John A. O'Brien Professor of Philosophy
University of Notre Dame
Professor Norman Geisler analyzes the best known arguments against the possibility of miracles and finds that "the principle of repeatability which naturalists use to attack miracles actually boomerangs to support the miraculous" (the renowned logician I. M. Bochenski remarked that this paper presented the most cogent argument in defense of miracles he had come across).
as the Ideology of Our Age
Professor Nikolaus Lobkowicz concludes that Marxist ideology has in subtle ways conquered the West at least insofar as Marxist patterns of thinking "has gotten under the skin of Western intellectuals".
Relativism and Skepticism to Truth and Certainty
Professor Josef Seifert exposes the skepticism and relativism characteristic of much modern thought and draws on Augustine's work in laying the foundations of knowledge.
Biblical Scholarship, Philosophy of Religion and ...
Professor Eleonore Stump urges more interaction between biblical scholars and philosophers of religion especially because "the seemingly authoritative historical tenets of contemporary biblical criticism are often enough based largely on unwarranted and unexamined interpretations and philosophical presuppositions, some of which constitute a denial of central Christian beliefs".
Scientist Reflects on Religious Belief
Astronomer Allan Sandage asserts that "many scientists are now driven to faith by their very work" and holds that there is no conflict between science and religious belief if it is understood that they treat different aspects of reality.
and the Scientific Enterprise (I)
Biochemist Charles Thaxton surveys the history of science and arrives at the conclusion that modern science is a child of Christianity.
Information Theorist Hubert Yockey notes that many scientists are really talking religion and many theologians are talking science.
Alvin Plantinga, John A. O'Brien Professor of Philosophy
University of Notre Dame
Professor Edward H. Pauley
Professor Hans Moravec, Carnegie-Mellon University
William Lane Craig
Experiential Basis of Theism
William Alston
Dom Illtyd Trethowan
Mystery of Persons and Belief in God
C. Stephen Evans
Kant, and Rational Theism
Hugo Meynell
Richard Swinburne
H.D. Lewis
Existence of God and the Beginning of the Universe
William Lane Craig
Dissent, The Devil, and
the Return of the Cosmos to God
Jeffrey B. Russell, Professor of History
UC Santa Barbara
Jeffrey B. Russell, Professor of History
UC Santa Barbara
Jeffrey B. Russell, Professor of History
UC Santa Barbara
In the World But Not of
the World
Jeffrey B. Russell, Professor of History
UC Santa Barbara
Jeffrey B. Russell, Professor of History
UC Santa Barbara
Jeffrey B. Russell, Professor of History
UC Santa Barbara
Jeffrey B. Russell, Professor of History
UC Santa Barbara
Jeffrey B. Russell, Professor of History, UC Santa Barbara
Phillip E. Johnson, Professor of Law
UC Berkeley
and Time in the Genesis Cosmology
Meredith G. Kline
Westminster Theological Seminary in California
Psychologist Paul Vitz argues that the major barriers to belief in God are psychological and infers from case studies of famous atheists that their atheism can well be explained in terms of childhood experiences.
Alvin Plantinga, John A. O'Brien Professor of Philosophy
University of Notre Dame
are Simply what Brains Do
Professor Marvin Minsky, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dr. John Beloff
Professor Hans Moravec, Carnegie-Mellon University
Professor Norman Geisler analyzes the best known arguments against the possibility of miracles and finds that "the principle of repeatability which naturalists use to attack miracles actually boomerangs to support the miraculous" (the renowned logician I. M. Bochenski remarked that this paper presented the most cogent argument in defense of miracles he had come across).
William Lane Craig
Jeffrey B. Russell, Professor of History
UC Santa Barbara
Jeffrey B. Russell, Professor of History
UC Santa Barbara
Necessity for Christianity
Historian Paul Johnson looks for cause-and-effect relationships in the history of the 20th century and concludes that "much of the evil of the twentieth century is the direct or indirect consequence of the decline of Christianity".
the Burden of Proof is on the Atheist
Professor Ralph McInerny contends that atheism runs against the grain of human experience and that, therefore, in the theism- atheism debate the burden of proof (or disproof) is on the atheist.
Professor Peter Kreeft examines the traditional arguments for life after death and concludes that they do constitute an impressive case.
Experiential Basis of Theism
William Alston
Richard Swinburne
Existence of God and the Beginning of the Universe
William Lane Craig
Jeffrey B. Russell, Professor of History
UC Santa Barbara
Sciences Library at Leadership University
Quotes and Comments
and the Scientific Enterprise (I)
Biochemist Charles Thaxton surveys the history of science and arrives at the conclusion that modern science is a child of Christianity.
Molecular Machines:Experimental
Support for the Design Inference
Michael J. Behe, Professor of Biochemistry
Lehigh University
An Interview with Dr. Michael Behe, biochemist and author of recent best-seller, Darwin's Black Box
The End of
Materialist Science
David Berlinski
Shifts in Geology and Biology
Geosynclinal Theory and Plate Tectonics; Darwinism and Intelligent Design
John Wiester
Tom Woodward
How biochemist Michael Behe uses a mousetrap to challenge evolutionary theory.
Existence of God and the Beginning of the Universe
William Lane Craig
Hawking, The Big Bang, and God
Henry "Fritz" Schaefer III
Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry
Director of the Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry
University of Georgia
Phillip E. Johnson, Professor of Law
UC Berkeley
Phillip E. Johnson, Professor of Law
UC Berkeley
David Berlinski
Phillip E. Johnson, Professor of Law
UC Berkeley
Daniel Dennett's Dangerous
Phillip E. Johnson, Professor of Law
UC Berkeley
What (If Anything) Hath
God Wrought?
Phillip E. Johnson, Professor of Law, UC Berkeley
Phillip E. Johnson, Professor of Law, UC Berkeley
An Exchange Between Howard J. Van Till and Phillip E. Johnson
Art Battson
University of California Santa Barbara
Evidence for the Existence of God
Walter Bradley, Professor and Senior TEES Research Fellow
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University
Alvin Plantinga, John A. O'Brien Professor of Philosophy
University of Notre Dame
Scientist Reflects on Religious Belief
Astronomer Allan Sandage asserts that "many scientists are now driven to faith by their very work" and holds that there is no conflict between science and religious belief if it is understood that they treat different aspects of reality.
Theism, and the Scientific Enterprise
Reflections from the organizer of the NTSE Conference at the University of Texas which brought together 120 scientists, scholars and students from North America and Europe to discuss the relationship between methodological naturalism, theistic hypotheses and explanations, and the practice of science.
There a Role for Natural Theology Today?
Dr. Owen Gingerich is Senior Astronomer at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and Professor of Astronomy and of the History of Science at Harvard University.
A review of Shadows of the Mind: A Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness by Roger Penrose
Stephen M. Barr, Associate Professor of Physics at the Bartol Research Institute, University of Delaware
A review of The Fire in the Equations: Science, Religion, and the Search for God by Kitty Ferguson
Stephen M. Barr, Associate Professor of Physics at the Bartol Research Institute, University of Delaware
Caused Beginning of the Universe: A Response to Quentin Smith
William Lane Craig
And The Initial Cosmological Singularity: A Reply To Quentin Smith
William Lane Craig
and Big Bang Cosmology
William Lane Craig
from Professor Robert Jastrow
Astrophysicist Robert Jastrow analyzes recent work in astronomy which has forced astronomers "to the conclusion that the world began suddenly, in a moment of creation, as the product of unknown forces".
Prerequisites of Life in Our Universe
John Leslie
Information Theorist Hubert Yockey notes that many scientists are really talking religion and many theologians are talking science.
Walter J. ReMine
Hugh Ross
Ph.D. in astronomy from the University of Toronto
President of Reasons To Believe
A review of The Creationists: The Evolution of Scientific Creationism by Ronald L. Numbers
Mark A. Noll, Professor of History, Wheaton College.
updated * October 12, 2011