Bruce Tiffney

Professor of Geological Sciences
University of California Santa Barbara

Personal Data

Date of birth: July 3, 1949
Married, one child



Department of Geological Sciences
University of California
Santa Barbara, California 93106-9630



Sharon, Massachusetts, Public Schools K-12, 1955-1967.

Boston University, Major in Geology, 1967-1971.

University of British Columbia, Graduate Study in plant ecology, 1971-1972. No degree awarded.

Harvard University, Graduate Study in Paleobotany, 1972-1977. Title of thesis: Contributions to a Monograph of the Fruit and Seed Flora of the Brandon Lignite, 303 pp.


Academic Distinctions

Fellow, Geological Society of America.

Junior Faculty Fellowship, Yale University, second term, Academic Year 1981-1982.

Anna C. Ames Fellow in Biology, Harvard University, 1974-1975, 1975-1976.

A.B. Cum Laude in Geology, Boston University, 1971.


Teaching and Professional Experience

1977-1986 Assistant Professor of Biology (1977-1982); Associate Professor (1982-1986) Yale University. Responsible for courses in: Paleobotany (with laboratory), Biogeography, Introductory Botany, Evolutionary Biology.

1977-1986 Assistant (1977-1982) then Associate Curator (1982-1986), Paleobotanical Collections of the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History

1983-1986 Associate Curator of the D. C. Eaton Herbarium, Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History.

1986-1994 Associate Professor of Geology, University of California, Santa Barbara. Responsible for courses in the History of Life, Introductory Paleontology, Plant Paleobiology, (with laboratory), Historical Geology, History of Geology, Macroevolution, and Systematics. Curator, paleontological collections, UCSB Museum of Systematics and Ecology

1994- Professor of Geology, University of California.

1994-- Professor of Biology, College of Creative Studies, U.C. Santa Barbara


Professional Organizations

Geological Society of America

Botanical Society of America, Paleobotanical Section

International Organization for Paleobotany

International Association of Wood Anatomists

The Society of Systematic Biology

International Association of Plant Taxonomists

Association for Tropical Biology

Tertiary Research Group

Society for the Study of Evolution

Society of Vertebrate Paleontology




Tiffney, B. H. Fruits and seeds of the Tertiary Brandon Lignite. VII. Sargentodoxa (Sargentodoxaceae). American Journal of Botany 870: 517-523.


Tiffney, B. H., J. G. Fleagle & T. M. Bown. Early to Middle Miocene fruits and seeds from Fejej, Ethiopia. Tertiary Research. 15: 25-42.

Tiffney, B. H., & A. Traverse. The Brandon Lignite (Vermont) is of Cenozoic, not Cretaceous, age! Northeastern Geology. 16: 215-220.

Tiffney, B. H. Re-Evaluation of the age of the Brandon Lignite (Vermont, USA) based on plant megafossils. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 82: 299-315.

Tiffney, B. H., & K. J. Niklas. The quantification of plant biodiversity through time. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London. Ser B. 345: 35-44.

Tiffney, B. H. An estimate of the early Tertiary paleoclimate of the southern Arctic. IN: M. C. Boulter & H. C. Fisher (eds.) Cenozoic Plants and Climates of the Arctic. pp. 267-295. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.


Tiffney, B. H., & S. J. Mazer. Angiosperm growth habit, dispersal and diversification reconsidered. Evolutionary Ecology 9: 93-117.


Tiffney, B. H. & K. K. Haggard. Fruits of Mastixioideae (Cornaceae) from the Paleogene of western North America. Review of Palaeobotany & Palynology 92: 29-54. 1997

Haggard, K. K. and B. H. Tiffney. Flora of the Early Miocene Brandon Lignite, Vermont, USA. VIII. Caldesia (Alismatacee). American Journal of Botany 84: 239-252.



Offices Held

Secretary, New England Botanical Club,

Secretary-Treasurer, International Association for Angiosperm Paleobotany.

Paleobotanical representative to the Editorial Board of the American Journal of Botany,.

Organizer, Annual Northeast Paleobotanical Conference.

Chairman, symposium 'Geological factors and the evolution of plants.' Sponsored by the Paleobotanical Section, Botanical Society of America at the Third North American Paleontological Convention.

Pro tem Editor, Newsletter of the International Association for Angiosperm Paleobotany.

Associate Editor, Paleobiology, class of 1985, 1991

Associate Editor, American Scientist.

Chairman, Paleobotanical Section, Botanical Society of America, 1986-1987, 1994-1995

Associate Editor: Historical Biology 1996-present

Associate Editor, American Journal of Botany 1996-present

Co-Chair & Organizer, Fifth Quadrennial Conference of the International Organization of Palaeobotany (June 30-July 5, 1996)


Professional Public Service

Member, Advisory Council of the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History

Member, Collections and Research Committee, Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History

Member, Buildings and Grounds Committee, Lotusland Botanic Garden, Montecito, Ca.


Revised 3/3/98