B.S., Biology. 1975. Wheaton College; Wheaton, Illinois.
Ph.D., Ecology & Evolutionary Biology. 1983. Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences; Washington University; St. Louis, Missouri. Dissertation Topic: "Ecophysiological Aspects of Community Structuring in a Northern Michigan Forest: The Relationship of Canopy Cover, Microclimate, and Leaffall to Lichen Distribution."
Research Interests:
Evolutionary & theological perspectives on human altruism and morality; Ecophysiology of temperature and water balance.
Field Experience:
Jaguar Creek Rainforest Rsch. Center (Belize) Christian Envir. Assoc. 1995-present
La Selva Biological Station (Costa Rica) OrgÕn for Tropical Studies 1992; 1996
Wheaton College Science Station (SD) Wheaton College 1989-present
Douglas Lake Biological Station (MI) University of Michigan 1977-86; 1995-99
Chesapeake Bay Center for Environmental Studies Smithsonian Institution 1977
Mountain Lake Biological Station (VA) University of Virginia 1976
Fort Burgwin Biological Station (NM) So. Methodist University 1976
Honors and Awards:
Fellow, Discovery Institute
Templeton Award for Science/Religion College Coursework, 1995.
Monroe Award for Outstanding Teaching, Westmont College. 1987; 1993.
Elected member, Society for Values in Higher Education. 1982.
Danforth Fellow, 1979.
American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow in Science Communication, 1978.
University of Virginia Mountain Lake Fellow, 1976.
Academic Positions:
Westmont College, Santa Barbara, CA: Biology Department: Chair (1989-1996); Prof. - (1993- ); Assoc. Prof. (1987- 93); Asst. Prof. (1981-87).
Christian Environmental Association: Director of Biological Programs, 1993-present.
Wheaton College Science Station: Visiting Instructor (Summers 1989-present).
University of Michigan Biological Station: Visiting Lecturer (1981).
Recent Grants and Research Support:
Discovery Institute Fellowship, 1997, 1998, 1999.
Stewardship Foundation Development Grant, 1997.
CCUC/Pew Global Stewardship Faculty Development Grant, 1996
Templeton Foundation Science/Religion Curriculum Development Awards, 1995
Christian Environmental Association Curriculum Development Grant, 1994.
Recent Publications and Manuscripts:
Schloss, J.P. 1996. "Sociobiological Explanations of Altruistic Ethics: Necessary, Sufficient, or Irrelevent Perspective on the Human Moral Quest". In Investigating the Biological Foundations of Human Morality. James Hurd, editor. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press. p. 107
Schloss, J.P. 1997. "Evolutionary Theories of Human Nature: Maginot Line or Armistice Site for Theism/Naturalism Conflict?" Naturalism, Theism, and the Scientific Enterprise. Website posting for Interdisciplinary Conference at the University of Texas. Robert Koons, editor & conference chair.
Schloss, J. P. 1998. "Of Natural Theology and Natural Theology: Evolutionary Accounts of Altuistic Morality and the Quandary of Goodness by Design." In Mere Creation William Dembski , editor. Intervarsity Press.
Schloss, J. P. 2000. "Wisdom Traditions as Mechanisms of Homeostatic Integration: Evolutionary Perspectives on Organismal 'Laws of Life'." In The Science of Wisdom and the Laws of Life. Warren Brown, editor. Templeton Foundation Press. forthcoming.
Post, S., Underwood, L., Schloss, J., and Hurlbut, W. eds. Entropy, Altrusism, and Agape: Scientific and Theological Perspectives on Love. in preparation. Accepted for publication at Oxford University Press.
Schloss, J.P. and Teeri, J.A. "Ecophysiological Aspects of Community Structure in a Northern Temperate Forest: I Radiation" Submission for Canadian Journal of Botany .
Schloss, J.P. and Teeri, J.A. "Ecophysiological Aspects of Community Structure in a Northern Temperate Forest: II Water Relations." Submission for Canadian Journal of Botany .
Schloss, J. P. Invited review essay Evolutionary Psychology and the Deconstruction of Self-Relinquishment: Contributions to Moral Understanding. Books & Culture
Recent Presentations:
"Second Generation Sociobiology and Emerging Evolutionary Accounts of Human Morality." Address at the Templteton Foundation / Center for Theology & Natural Sciences Workshop on Science and Religion. University of California, Berkeley. June 1998.
"Emerging Biological Understandings of Human Love & Morality: Reflections of Divine Design, Purposeless Self-interest, or Both?" Plenary Address at the Meetings of the American Scientific Affiliation. Colorado College, Colorardo Springs, CO. March 1998.
"Evolutionary Theories of Meta-Cognition and Human Wisdom." . Templeton Workshop on Religious & Scientific Understandings of Wisdom. Fuller Seminar, Pasadena, CA. October 1998.
"Is Christian Love Biologically Impossible? Evolutionary Theories of Human Altruism." Plenary Address, Furman University Speaker Series on Science/Religion. Greenville, SC. April 1999.
"Sociological & Evolutionary Accounts of Religious Investment: Berger's Routinization of Charisma and Frank's Theory of Deceitful Displays." Invited Address at International Conference on Natural Selection and Subjective Commitment. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. April 1999.
"Survival of the Fittest and the Christian Love Command: Inheritantly at Conflict?" Science and Religion Forum Series, Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences. Berkeley, CA. May, 1999.
"Is it Really More Blessed to Give than Receive? - Emerging Questions in the Evolution of Altruism?" Conference on Empathy, Altruism, and Agape: Scientific and Religious Perspectives. Bostom, MA. October, 1999.
"The Biological Meaning of Sex and Gender." Beyond Materialism Conference. Biola University. La Mirad, CA. December 1999.
Biological Perspectives on the Problem of Natural Evil: Creation and the Wisdom of God" Convocation Series, Greenville College. Greenville, IL. March, 2000.
The Limits of Reductive Materialism: Dualistic Theory in Recent Scientific Accounts of Human Altruism. Conference on The Nature of Nature: Naturalism & the Sciences. Baylor University. April 2000.